Jun 24, 2018
On this episode of The Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey kicks of her 8 week Clutter Free Summer Challenge! Every week both listeners and Rachel will go throughout their home and rid themselves of clutter with hopes to start out the Fall with A LOT LESS stuff!!
Week 1 de-clogs your home's...
Jun 10, 2018
On this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey invites you to take a vacation away from your clutter! Take time away from the stacks and piles so that you can gain clarity about what it is you truly want ...
Jun 4, 2018
On this episode of the Hoardganize Podcast, Professional Organizer Rachel Seavey discusses the responsibility and transference Collectors hold towards their possessions ... Do you feel like your belongings will be emotionally hurt if you let them go? Do you feel disloyal when donating an item that served you well once?...